Combine modern distribution channels with well-known advertising media
Print media largest advertising space
Even if the print media market is stagnating according to statistics, it still represents the largest advertising space in terms of volume that companies can use to offer products and services. Advertisements continue to appear in newspapers, brochures, folders, flyers and even large posters, and these advertisements represent an almost perfect field of application for augmented reality.
AR breaths life into print media
AR gives companies the opportunity to bring their previously static advertisements to life. Because the product descriptions and symbol photos themselves become AR markers, to which digital content is linked, not only can all product information be presented in multiple languages, providers are also able to show their products and services “in action”!
· As a travel provider, for example, you are able to present detailed videos and short commercials for the offered destinations. What was just a simple flyer about possible vacation destinations becomes the first step in the long-awaited vacation via smartphone or tablet.
· Electronics retailers and furniture stores can not only offer three-dimensional models as digital previews, they can also allow the user / end customer to interact with them, eg. change the colour or lightning
· Mail order companies are not only able to present their goods directly in both 2D and 3D. By analysing which products are viewed most in their catalogs, they can quickly collect data about which of their products perform best and which ones fall short of their expectations.
AR as special service
AR is also interesting for smaller sales channels. Local newspapers can use AR as a special service for their advertising customers and thus expand their portfolio with digital campaigns for which small businesses would otherwise lack the capital. In this way, the latest marketing technologies are also available to companies that would otherwise not have the opportunity to access them.
Direct link to shop
And the most important thing: If the customer is satisfied with the preview of the offer, he has the opportunity to go directly to the online shop by clicking on the link provided.